Friday, November 29, 2013

Week 8

Sandel begins The Case Against Perfection with the assumption that some element of unpredictability is all it takes for a decision to feel moral. He is correct in identifying that the autonomy objection isn't a persuasive grounds to make arguments about the morality of genetic engineering. For Sandel the moral question is raised by the sense that genetic enhancement goes beyond what one could consider medical purposes, he appeals the reader to reflect on a moral tradition no longer employed by many individuals. Sandel's critique isn't rigorous, for instance when examining hypothetical therapies that would extend the memory span of the elderly he glosses over another remedial therapy, Viagra. The problem for Sandel is that the aspiration to better ourselves is a commitment to an unhealthy relationship with ourselves, one that threatens human dignity.
"To grapple with the ethics of enhancement, we need to confront questions largely lost from view in the modern world- questions about the moral status of nature, and about the proper stance of human beings toward the given world. Since these questions verge on theology, modern philosophers and political theorists tend to shrink from them. But our new powers of biotechnology make them unavoidable." 
Sandel makes the same case as Alasdair MacIntyre does in After Virtue: that is, the lack of a classical moral tradition inhibits the ability for one to act morally and discuss morality in any meaningful way. Either argument on either side of the debate may be logically valid, 'the respective concepts they use are incommensurable, so there is no apparent rational way to decide in favor of one argument over the other.' Sandel argument can only be successful if it convinces the majority- currently, this seems unlikely given that the practice of philosophy is a marginalized vocation with no real influence upon society.
    Sandel continues in the second chapter:
"One aspect of our humanity that might be threatened by enhancement and genetic engineering is our capacity to act freely, for ourselves, by our own efforts, and to consider ourselves responsible - worthy of praise or blame - for the things we do and for the way we are." 
I feel strongly that the opposite is true- that technologies of enhancement and engineering are fundamentally ones of self expression. Sandel draws a correspondence of this freedom to self reliance, what exactly, "by our own efforts" means for Sandel is lost on this reader. For Sandel, enhancement decreases our admiration for achievement, but ironically it is responsible for engendering spectacle in the same cultures. Further, Sandel asserts that enhancement threatens human agency, because it is a 'wholly mechanistic understanding of human action at odds with human freedom and moral responsibility.' People don't look at those who rely on enhancements to function with the view that doing so diminishes their agency: the opposite is true.  Being able to compete at the professional level in sports is related to ones health and genetics, those who lack these or the time to train will not have the agency required to perform at the same level. To assume that the only virtue of a sport or physical activity is to compete relegates these activities to a spectacle, performed for the vast majority that don't have the required agency. Sandel is drawn to many stoic ideals:
"Let Nature deal with matter, which is her own, as she pleases; let us be cheerful and brave in the face of everything, reflecting that it is nothing of our own that perishes." - De Provid. v.8

"Freedom is secured not by the fulfilling of men's desires, but by the removal of desire." - Epictetus iv.1.175
Sandel expends a great amount of energy on the topic of physical enhancements in sports, which is a marginal issue when considering the question of physical enhancement in general.
"Parental love is not contingent on the talents and attributes the child happens to have."
Chapter three presents an argument against designer babies. First, Sandel assumes a normative ideal of parenthood- one not necessarily shared/practiced by the majority of cultures. As I alluded to in the first part of this blog post, for better or for worse emotivism is the context that moral discussions are had now. We can't even regulate tobacco or alcohol use during pregnancy, we can only stigmatize it. Sandel hasn't a chance to stigmatize designer babies to a degree sufficient to stymie the practice either internationally or domestically. It would be quixotic to engage Sandel's argument further, the rest of which is a ad hominem attack of genetic enhancement as the new eugenics.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Week 7

Harris broaches the topic of reproductive choice in light of the democratic presumption in chapter five. At the core of this liberal ideology is that the burden of proof is on those that wish to deny a liberty rather than those that wish to practice it. Further, the proof needs to be sufficient to the degree as to warrant consideration, here Harris demarcates this degree as relating to harm to others. This is a slippery slope as harm isn’t well defined when it relates to others or society. The prosecution of faith healing gone awry still has only been successfully litigated in the context of child fatality, the only thing keeping the same argument from being used in cases of those in which an adult has been killed is that by the states definition, once you reach the age of consent you’re responsible for every belief you have. It is obvious this only the case as to avoid the steeper slope that follows. In contrast to this, there isn’t any legislation against smoking during pregnancy, only stigmatism. I think opponents of reproductive choice should pick their bone first with those that affect negatively on the unborn before they direct their energy at those that seek to encourage the investigation of prospective methods of enhancement.

   In chapter six the focus shifts to the concerns of reproductive liberty: disability and super-ability. Harris identifies three fallacies common to arguments against reproductive liberty and enhancement. The supposition of the first is that the choice to repair/enhance function implies a judgement on the previous state. This would assume that every choice is made primarily on the basis of being against a negative and not explicitly for a positive. The second fallacy is based on the sense of violation of the principle of equality when one aims to produce children that are less damaged or have enhanced capacities. This assumes that the problem inequality doesn’t already exist and that one viable solution will just make the problem worse. Finally, the third fallacy, that the demarcation of disability is made relative to normalcy, errors in that which is species-typical functioning can be disadvantages given a change of circumstance. To Harris’s definition of disability, one would be disabled when drowning in magma. This assumes that what we consider normal always involves adaptation to circumstances we are subjected to, so while we may not be able to adapt the world completely to accommodate those with disabilities it is always to ease their relation to the normal.

Monday, November 18, 2013

week 6

In chapter three Harris approaches the therapy-enhancement dichotomy through several critics of enhancement, who define enhancement as that which interrupts species-typical function. This dichotomy doesn’t have any corresponding dichotomy between medicine as it is practiced today and as it could be practiced in the future. For instance, dentistry or contraceptives are both preventative medical practices, that by Daniels and Boorse rubric would constitute an enhancement as would everyday enhancements such as makeup. Harris’ use of Occam’s razor is well applied in dispelling the need for noneffective distinctions on what is and isn’t normal. As for classifying interventions that reduce the likelihood of death, according to Daniels and Boorse’s definition, since the diseases of old age is species typical so are the diseases that we vaccinate for. A vaccination is an immune system enhancement that doesn’t restore a function to it’s normal action, it enhances that function as a preventative measure. Therapy and enhancement aren’t mutually exclusive. As Harris puts it: “The Normality of the trait in question is clearly doing no work at all in the assessment of its moral acceptability or of the risks it might be worth running to change things. - The problem seems to be an unjustified assumption that normal traits are acceptable by reason of their normality and that the risks of new “treatments” are justifiable only when the alternative is an inevitable catastrophic disease.- On this view the elixir of life, operating on normal physiology and making it immortal, would not in Daniel’s view be an enhancement!” The concept of enhancement isn’t able to determine in any succinct way a scientifically discrete category.
In chapter four Harris outlines the five ethical objections to life extension: “(i) Life extension would be unjust (ii) It would be pointless and ultimately unwanted because of the inevitable boredom of indefinite life (iii) It would in any event be nugatory or self-defeating because personal identity could not survive long periods of extended existence. I may wish to be immortal but in the end it wouldn’t be “me,” so the project fails (iv) It would lead to overpopulation and perhaps the end of reproduction. (v) Finally, it is claimed that life extension would be prohibitively expensive in terms of increased health care cost.” While I think Harris’ arguments against all of these objections are valid, for me his argument against (iii) and (iv) are understated. As one who anticipates the day when I’m not "this one", his argument against three isn't as persuasive as it could be. On reservation (iv) he only needs to make the point that policy regulating population will need to be instated regardless of if we say "yes" to enhancement.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Week Five

There is no doubt after reading the first two chapters of John Harris’s Enhancing Evolution, that he is preaching to the choir as far as I’m concerned. In the first chapter Harris lays before the reader several questions which contextualize his ambitions for writing the book. He lays out his agenda sequentially: the first three chapters to argue that enhancement is a moral and political prerogative, chapters 4, 5, and 6 deal with life extension, reproductive and disability applications respectively, 7 and 8 analyse the work of Sandel, Kass, and Habermas, 9 on cosmetic enhancements, and the last two on the assessing the future for research. Harris identifies selections from the philosophy of Bertrand Russel as being illuminative to the issues broached by the question of the humanity in human enhancement. In chapter two Harris briefly illustrates several arguments by reference to five contemporary and speculative examples of enhancements. These are: chemical versus mechanical enhancement, disease and vaccination, genetic enhancement, chemical enhancement, and life extension.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Week four

Both of this weeks papers deal in managing the hurdles faced by synthetic biology- and new fields of research in general, in regards to the principals leading it’s effective communication, regulation, and commercialization. While both papers advocate a congenial methodology of iterative oversight instead of deferring to the precautionary principle; there’s a great deal of skepticism that may be drawn to the competency of this approach in the real world. Take fracking for example, which has been practiced on the commercial scale for ten years and regulated in the same fashion as proposed in The Ethics of Synthetic Biology: Guiding Principles for Emerging Technologies and  Synthetic biology confronts publics and policy makers: challenges for communication, regulation and commercialization. Fracking has received a continuous stream of criticism from many government agencies and the media over the course of it’s practice, but very little legislative action has taken place as a result.
   The bureaucracy responsible for maintaining proportionality, distributive justice and procedural justice is both inflexible and inefficient; what chance does public involvement have in enacting decisive legislation? Without hype there is very little chance that the public will reach a definitive opinion. So, in the case of fracking and any emerging trend in technology treated in the same fashion, the only regulation enacted seems to be that which prevents complete obvert catastrophe. With this skepticism in mind I feel resigned to support the status quo, as I find the alternative to be completely unproductive.